The belt

I was just minding my own business on a cold winter day in mid 1998. I was playing Super Mario 64 on my Nintendo 64 when all of the sudden my dad bursts into the room. He started to yell at me very loudly, which frightened me, considering that I was only about 8 years old at the time. I didn't listen to what he was yelling about because I was too busy trying to concentrate on beating the final boss in Super Mario 64. Then my father started to walk towards me. He was holding something in his hand, but I couldn't tell clearly what it was. It was really long and skinny and I just couldn't think of what it could be. I turned around to see what my dad was about to do and when I did my dad gave me a pat on the back and handed me a belt. I could have sworn that he was going to beat me with the belt like he had done ever since I was 5, but today was different. He told me to keep up the good work and to do my chores and to keep on getting good grades in school. Then my dad walked out of the room and I actually felt pretty good for once. I was confused as to why my dad would give me a belt, but I was still happy. That was, until it all started happening.
I walked back over to the corner of my room where my TV was and unpaused the game. I only had one more hit on Bowser until he was defeated and I could collect that giant star that appears after he blows up and that star triggers something which gives Mario a Wing Cap and he flies around the stage and then falls from the sky and Princess Peach appears from that one stained glass window and flies down and says something about Mario saving her and there are two Toads there and then Peach says that they should make a cake for Mario and then they walk into the castle and Mario looks back and Peach calls Mario's name and he runs along towards the door of the castle and then the staff roll starts playing and at the end there is an image of a cake and Charles Martinet (The first ingame voice of Mario which is still used to this day in any game that Mario is in) says "Thank you so much for playing my game!". I did not know this would happen at the time but it was an amazing spectacle to my 8 year old self who had nothing better to do with his time than playing his Nintendo 64 because none of his friends could come over because his parents did not allow people over but still somehow lets his brother have people over. I beat Bowser and beat the game and picked up the belt. This belt was...weird. It had a lot of red spots on it, and I was really confused as to why. My dad had never beat me with the belt hard enough for me to bleed. I thought that I should investigate this, so I headed downstairs. When I got downstairs, I saw there where 4 bodies there, all of which where covered in blood and where hanging from the ceiling with ropes. I was wondering why my dad would play such a cruel April Fools Day joke. But then I remembered that it was January. I recognized the bodies too. They were the bodies of my brother, my sister, my mother, and my father. The body of my father was different from the rest because it looked like it was hung itself. I realized that my whole family was dead in from of my own eyes and I couldn't take it. I ran out of my house and found a gardening shovel in the yard and used that to kill myself after I had already died.